
The chemistry of the future is green

Potential and problems of green chemistry discussed at conference hosted by The Guardian

In an article published on September 3, 2015 by the digital edition of The Guardian, journalist Bruce Watson reports on the first Guardian Green Chemistry Summit that took place on September 2, 2015 in New York City, U.S.. Industry leaders and academics discussed the potential and problems of practicing green chemistry. John Warner, co-author of the 12 Principles of Green Chemistry, pointed out that instead of restricting one toxic or environmentally destructive chemical at a time, efforts need to be made to invent products that do not have harmful effects in the first place. Universities need to train chemists in toxicology and environmental health to enable them to identify toxicity inducing parts of molecules and anticipate negative impacts of chemicals, Warner stated. Arlene Blum of Green Science Policy Institute suggested that businesses need to question whether their products need to contain chemicals of concern (COCs) at all. COCs often add a function to the product that is does not need, Blum explains. Consumers have great influence on retailers, suppliers and manufacturers by demanding green chemistry and sustainable chemical replacements. However, consumers alone cannot be asked to act as an environmental protection agency, noted Heather White of Environmental Working Group. Chemicals need to be better regulated by legislation. Paul Anastas, of the Center for Green Chemistry and Green Engineering at Yale University, U.S., added that regulation is often slow and limited, and thus it is key to shift the focus of green chemistry from solely restricting hazardous chemicals to the opportunities it presents.

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Bruce Watson (September 3, 2015). “In the future, the best chemistry practices will be green.The Guardian

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