In an article published on August 14, 2019, regulatory news provider Chemical Watch reported on Taiwan’s plan to publish a draft list of “chemicals of concern” by the end of 2019. An official from the Taiwanese Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) told Chemical Watch that the agency is currently drafting screening and assessment standards to identify such substances. Specifically, chemicals of concern are being defined within the agency’s perspective as substances with one or more of the following characteristics: “food safety concerns, high level of hazard, substances produced in high volumes, corrosive toxicants, an accident risk, and substances that could be used as precursors to illegal drugs.” When identified, the substances will not be subjected to the stricter requirements governing toxic chemical substances, but their manufacturers or importers will need to submit applications for specific handling purposes, follow labelling and safety data sheet requirements, and report certain handlings or uses.
The list of substances is being developed within the new Toxic and Chemical Substances of Concern Control Act (TCSCCA) that was passed in January 2019 and will take effect on January 16, 2020 (FPF reported). A further 30 new or revised regulations to support the TCSCCA are expected to be published in the coming months, with a public commenting period to take place for each.
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Chemical Watch (August 14, 2019). “Taiwan to publish ‘chemicals of concern’ list by end of the year.”