In a press release published on April 25, 2018, the Swiss Association of Cantonal Chemists (ACCS) informed about the results of a campaign investigating 78 items of paper and board packaging. The types of packaging examined were coffee cups, pizza boxes, as well as take-away, flour, and bread packaging.

14% of the samples contained photoinitiators, plasticizers, and/or chlorinated substances at concentrations exceeding recommended limits. Elevated levels of mineral oil saturated hydrocarbons (MOSH) and mineral oil aromatic hydrocarbons (MOAH) were measured in 62% and 20% of the items, respectively. These data indicate a high amount of recycled content, making the products unsuitable for use in direct contact with food. Companies were demanded to clarify the origin of the contaminations. In one case, a heavily contaminated product had to be taken off the market.

Companies were also requested to supply documents demonstrating the compliance of the packaging items with Swiss law. In 57% of the cases, such a declaration was missing.

More information can be found in the detailed report.

Read more

Verband der Kantonschemiker der Schweiz (April 25, 2018). “Viele Mängel bei Lebensmittelverpackungen aus Papier. ” (pdf; in German)

Association des chimistes canonaux de Suisse (April 25, 2018). “Nombreuses lacunes dans le domaine des emballages de denrées alimentaires en papier. ” (pdf; in French)

Associazione dei chimici cantonali svizzeri (April 25, 2018). “Molte carenze negli imballaggi in carta per derrate alimentari .” (pdf; in Italian)

Vanessa Zainzinger (May 1, 2018). “Swiss project finds excessive hazardous chemical levels in FCMs.Chemical Watch


Amt für Verbraucherschutz und Veterinärwesen (2018). “Verpackungen aus Papier und Pappe. Untersuchungen vom März 2017 bis Februar 2018. ” (pdf; in German)