In an article published on April 23, 2019, news provider Chemical Watched reported on a recently published study on endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) commissioned by the European Parliament Committee on Petitions. The study was published just before the European Parliament voted to adopt a resolution calling for swift action to protect humans and the environment from EDCs (FPF reported).

The report was written by Barbara Demeneix from the National Museum of Natural History in Paris and Rémy Slama from the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research. The two authors provide a review of “the scientific evidence regarding the concept of endocrine disruption, the extent of exposure, associated health effects and costs,” and the “existing relevant EU regulations are discussed and recommendations made to better protect human health.”

Of these recommendations, a notable one is that “the EU should move towards identical management of [EDCs] across all sectors for which [EDC] use is very likely to entail population exposure, notably pesticides, food contact materials and additives, consumer goods, cosmetics, medical devices and toys.” The report advocates for a total prevention of human exposure to EDCs stating that “a logic similar to that already in use for pesticides (no human exposure) appears justified in sectors with likely human exposure.” The report further calls for continued development of testing for EDCs and for prioritizing six research areas: “(i) Epigenetic effects of [EDCs]; (ii) Effects across generations; (iii) [EDC] effects on the microbiome, (iv) Green (safe) chemistry; (v) Novel ED [endocrine disruption] modalities and (vi) Characterization of dose-response functions for [EDC] effects in humans.”


Barbara Demeneix and Rémy Slama (March 2019). “Endocrine Disruptors: from Scientific Evidence to Human Health Protection.” (pdf)

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Emma Davies (April 23, 2019). “Experts call for ‘identical’ EDC management for all sectors.” Chemical Watch