On February 7-8, 2018, the European polyethylene terephthalate (PET) industry association Petcore Europe held its annual conference focusing on the topic “Strategy for PET in the circular economy” in Brussels, Belgium (FPF reported). Participants from PET resin producers, masterbatch producers, packaging designers and manufacturers, equipment manufacturers, label producers, major brand owners, EPR schemes, waste management organizations, recyclers, as well as waste sorting and recycling machinery manufacturers represented the entire PET value chain. In addition, speakers from the European Commission (EC), the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, and consultancy PCI Wood Mackenzie attended the event.
The first day covered PET business and strategy. PCI Wood Mackenzie presented the results of Petcore Europe’s 2016 PET collection and recycling survey (FPF reported). The second day was dedicated to the EU circular economy as well as trends in PET collection, recycling, and sustainability. Non-participants can order the conference papers by contacting Petcore Europe.
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Petcore Europe (February 14, 2018). “Two successful days: Petcore Europe conference 2018 “Strategy for PET in the circular economy.“