
Scientific statement on obesity

Endocrine Society issues statement on causes of obesity, highlights biological process governing weight stability, calls for more research on factors influencing obesity such as endocrine disruptors

On June 26, 2017 the scientific membership organization Endocrine Society published an article entitled “Obesity Pathogenesis: An Endocrine Society Scientific Statement” in the peer-reviewed journal Endocrine Reviews. The statement collects “evidence from basic science, clinical, and epidemiological literature to assess current knowledge regarding mechanisms underlying excess body-fat accumulation, the biological defense of excess fat mass, and the tendency for lost weight to be regained.” Particular focus is put on energy homeostasis, the biological process maintaining weight stability by matching energy intake to energy spending. Further, the statement calls for more research on factors influencing obesity, such as i) interactions between genetics, development, and the environment, ii) endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs, e.g. bisphenol A), and iii) the microbiome (i.e. gut bacteria). “The scientific goal is to elucidate obesity pathogenesis so as to better inform treatment, public policy, advocacy, and awareness of obesity in ways that ultimately diminish its public health and economic consequences,” the statement reads.

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Endocrine Society (June 26, 2017). “Endocrine Society issues Scientific Statement on obesity’s causes.


Schwartz, M.W. et al. (2017). “Obesity pathogenesis: An Endocrine Society Scientific Statement.Endocrine Reviews (published online June 26, 2017).

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