The Food Packaging Forum reports on recent developments across the food packaging and health field.
August 28, 2015
NGO expresses concern over TTIP and possible decline of protective laws against toxic chemicals
Topics: regulation
Reading time: 1 minute
August 27, 2015
Dutch scientists develop technology to make production of bioplastic PLA faster and cheaper
Topics: bioplastics
Reading time: 1 minute
August 26, 2015
European Bioplastics hosts annual conference on November 5-6, 2015 in Berlin, Germany
Topics: bioplastics, events
Reading time: 0 minutes
August 26, 2015
Article in The Guardian outlines how politicians, industry and consumer groups join forces to reform chemicals regulation in the U.S.
Topics: regulation
Reading time: 1 minute
August 25, 2015
Danish Minister of the Environment and Food recommends lowered limit for fluorocarbons in food contact materials
Topics: fluorinated substances, regulation
Reading time: 2 minutes
August 25, 2015
JRC publishes study on in vitro toxicity of nanomaterials including recommendations for risk assessment testing strategies
Topics: nanomaterials
Reading time: 1 minute
August 25, 2015
Canadian nanomaterials manufacturers required to provide extensive data on their products by February 2016
Topics: nanomaterials, regulation
Reading time: 1 minute
August 25, 2015
Norden project on compliance of food contact materials publishes results; improved declarations of compliance needed
Reading time: 1 minute
August 24, 2015
New report by Environmental Working Group suggests that exposure to PFOA might not be safe at any level
Reading time: 2 minutes