
Opinion: FMCs need highest production standards

Indian newspaper publishes article on food packaging, stresses the need for highest standards in the supply chain to ensure consumer safety

On March 20, 2014 Sanjeev Bansal, Technical Director of Packaging at Flint Group India,  writes in the Indian newspaper Business Standard that it is the responsibility of all suppliers in the food packaging supply chain to ensure that their products do not endanger human health. He argues that permeation, migration and invisible set-off need to be strictly monitored to ensure consumer safety. Bansal stresses that responsibility lies with the entire supply chain, though the marketing party has the ultimate compliance obligation. A substance used for food contact may be safe in one setting but not another, Bansal points out. As such, the safety of a printing ink depends on the packaging material, the printing condition, the food contained, the manufacturing conditions and the processing of the final article. Bansal further criticizes that the Indian Code of Practice on printing inks issued by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) should be enforced more effectively to ensure consumer safety.  

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Sanjeev Bansal (March 20, 2014). “Adherence to high standards for food packaging inks a must for consumer safety.Business Standard.

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