On October 8, 2021, the Kenya Broadcasting Corporation reported Kenya has joined the non-governmental organization Ellen Macarthur Foundation’s Plastic Pact network. The new Kenya Plastics Pact has so far received support from 25 organizations including businesses, government institutions, and NGOs to achieve a set of targets by the year 2030. These include: (i) eliminating problematic or unnecessary plastic packaging, (ii) achieving 100% of plastic packaging to be designed as reusable or recyclable, (iii) ensuring at least 40% of plastic packaging is effectively recycled, and (iv) ensuring an average of at least 15% recycled content across all plastic packaging.
Each plastics pact operates within its host country to bring together stakeholders through the whole local value chain. The Pact is supported by Kenya’s Ministry of Environment, Kenya Extended Producer Responsibility Organization, the Nairobi Waste Pickers Association, and others. Food brands and retailers within the plastic pacts are included in the Food Packaging Forum’s brand and retailer initiatives database.
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Kenya Broadcasting Corporation (October 2021). “Kenya plastics pact launches to tackle waste menace.”
Ellen Macarthur Foundation (October 7, 2021). “The Kenya Plastics Pact.”
Kenya Plastics Pact (October 2021). “What is the Kenya Plastics Pact?”