In an announcement published by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) on January 10, 2019, coordinated inspections of manufacturers and importers for REACH registration compliance are to begin. The effort “aims to ensure EU-wide enforcement of the obligations of importers and manufacturers to register their substances, given that the last registration deadline passed in 2018.” The checks will focus on substances in the import and manufacturing quantity range of 1-100 metric tons per year, and they will include reviewing registration dossiers as well as other responsibilities related to registration. Substances registered as intermediates or monomers in polymers will also be reviewed.
The inspections are part of ECHA Forum’s seventh REACH enforcement project (REF-7) and will run throughout 2019. A report on inspection results is planed towards the end of 2020.
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ECHA (January 9,2019). ‘Upcoming inspections to check compliance with REACH registration obligations.’