In an article published on September 16, 2019, regulatory news provider Chemical Watch reported that Indonesia’s National Agency of Drug and Food Control (BPOM) has published new regulations for food packaging. The scope of the regulations covers both new and recycled materials, and it includes: plastics, inks and dyes, paper and paperboard, resins and polymer coatings, metals, ceramics, and glass. Food producers are required under the regulations to ensure that the packaging they use does not endanger human health. The regulation includes a set of annexes with lists of chemicals that define how they are to be regulated. These annexes include: (i) prohibited substances, (ii) permitted substances with a specific migration limit, (iii) FCMs and their total migration limits, and (iv) specifications for materials used as packaging by food and beverage type.

Chemical Watch describes the new regulations as being “one of the most comprehensive on food contact materials (FCMs) and packaging in the Asia Pacific region.” The new rules replace previous regulations from 2011 and came into effect on July 29, 2019. All products on the Indonesian market must be compliant with the new regulations by July 29, 2020.

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Nhat Nguyen (September 16, 2019). “Indonesia expands scope of FCM regulations.” Chemical Watch


BPOM (July 2019). “Nomor 20 tahun 2019 tentang kemasan pangan.” (in Indonesian)