On September 19, 2013 Jamie McConnell, Director of Programs & Policy for the non-governmental organization (NGO) Women’s Voices for the Earth published a blog giving pregnant women 11 counsels on how to avoid chemical exposures from consumer products. Jamie McConnell states a lack of information given to pregnant women with regards to chemical exposures from consumer products. In the blog, she argues that in the face of evidence linking developmental exposures to chemicals to a variety of adverse effects, it is important to advise pregnant women on how to effectively reduce exposure. She recommends pregnant women to avoid bisphenol A (BPA), polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) in food contact materials (FCM). PFOA is contained in non-stick cookware. McConnell suggests BPA-free and PVC-free plastics as well as cast iron and stainless steel pans as alternatives. However, some BPA-free products may contain substances causing similar effects as BPA (Yang et al. 2011). Further, McConnell proposes to avoid antibacterial soaps containing triclosan. In addition to its application in antibacterial soaps, triclosan is also used as an additive in food contact materials. Other advices listed by Women’s Voices for the Earth address cleaning products, paints, synthetic fragrances and personal care products. The
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Women’s Voices for the Earth (September 19, 2013). “Toxic Chemicals to Avoid During Pregnancy.”