
Governments create website compiling EDCs across EU

Government agencies from six EU member states launch new website containing sets of substances identified as endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) or currently under review for ED properties; separated into three sets recognized on the EU level, national level, or currently under review

In a press release published on June 2, 2020, the Danish Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced the launch of a new webpage presenting lists of identified and potential endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in the EU. The site is hosted by the Danish EPA and has been developed with national authorities from Belgium, Denmark, France, the Netherlands, and Sweden. The site is described as aiming to “inform stakeholders about the current status of substances identified as [EDCs], or under evaluation for endocrine disrupting properties within the EU.” It hopes to avoid duplication of research as well as “inconsistencies in assessment of substances across legislations,” and it wants to increase transparency, coherence, and coordination across legislative areas.

Separated into three lists, the site provides (i) a list containing substances identified as EDCs at the EU level, (ii) a list that includes substances being evaluated for endocrine disrupting properties under EU legislation, and (iii) substances identified as EDCs at the national level by at least one of the participating EU member states.

Read more

Danish EPA (June 2, 2020). “New webpage directs attention to endocrine disrupting chemicals within the EU.”

Luke Buxton (June 3, 2020). “EU member states publish inaugural lists of EDCs.” Chemical Watch

Anna Watson (June 4, 2020). “New endocrine disruptors website is a welcome step to inform EU consumers and businesses.” CHEM Trust

ERGO project (June 5, 2020). “Endocrine disruptor lists website launched.


Danish EPA (June 2020). “Endocrine Disruptor Lists.”

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