With the adoption of decree n° 2012-232 on February 17, 2012 France legally obliges firms to declare the use of nanomaterials on their products. France is the first country to establish such legal requirements. The requirement applies to firms manufacturing, distributing or importing substances in the form of nanoparticles and in quantities above 100g. The declarations will be managed by the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health (ANSES). Reports will have to be presented annually with the Ministry of the Environment and a memorandum published January 8, 2013 set the first date to report is set for May 1, 2013. The obligation to report on the use of nanomaterials is expected to significantly improve the availability of information on the distribution of and exposure to nanomaterials. This will also facilitate the evaluation of potential risks of such materials and may be an incentive for the creation of a Europe-wide nano-registry.
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