
France may ban titanium dioxide nanoparticles in food

French government proposes general ban on titanium dioxide nanoparticles in food products starting 2020

In an article published on May 18, 2018, the Nanotechnology Industries Association (NIA) reported that the French State Secretary for Ecology has announced the government’s intention to ban the use of titanium dioxide nanoparticles in food products. Previously, the French government had requested the European Commission (EC) to implement measures on titanium dioxide, NIA informed. An amendment to France’s draft law on agriculture now foresees a general ban on titanium dioxide in food by 2020.

However, the French Minister of Agriculture opposed the ban and “insisted that regulatory actions regarding this substance had to be taken at the European level,” NIA further explained. Several French non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have expressed support for the amendment banning titanium dioxide.

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NIA (May 18, 2018). “French state secretary for ecology announced plans to ban titanium dioxide nanoparticles from food products.

NIA (May 29, 2018). “France set to ban titanium dioxide nanoparticles from food products, EFSA is still re-evaluating.

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