On July 11, 2013 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced the ban of bisphenol A (BPA) from the use in packaging of baby formula in a Federal Register Announcement. In its announcement, the FDA states that its decision was not based on safety concerns, but due to the use of BPA in infant formula packaging being an “old use abandoned”. This allows the FDA to amend the food additive regulation. According to the FDA, the survey produced by Representative Markey could demonstrate that all U.S. infant formula manufacturers had ceased to use BPA in their packaging. The agency responded with the rule to a petition filed on March 16, 2012 by U.S. House Representative and Senator-elect Edward J. Markey (Democratic Party). The rule took effect July 12, 2013 after it was published in the Federal Register. Comments and objections may be submitted for 30 days.

In a press release published July 11, 2013, Markey applauded the FDA for agreeing to his petition. Yet, he stressed the safety concerns arising from the endocrine disrupting and reprotoxic BPA and urged “all companies to abandon the use” of the substance. Markey introduced a bill to Congress on July 4, 2013 requiring the ban of BPA from all food packaging (previously reported on by the FPF).

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US Federal Register

Edward Markey, press release

FPF article “US Congress to once more consider BPA ban from food packaging