In an article published on January 8, 2019 by regulatory news provider Chemical Watch, reporter Caterina Tani informed that the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has published a document that summarizes the actions the Agency plans to take in 2019 to continue promoting the “substitution to safer chemicals through innovation.”  

The document was presented “at the meeting of the competent authorities for REACH and CLP (CARACAL) in November” 2018. There, ECHA referred to its substances of very high concern (SVHC) substitution strategy published in January 2018 (FPF reported) and summarized its “achievements in 2018” along with “prospects for 2019.”  

The latter includes the plans to (co)organize or support several workshops and other substitution-related events, publish data on alternatives given in the applications for authorization, provide “concrete examples of how analyses of alternatives are carried out in practice,” and update the substitution strategy for 2020-2022. 

Read more 

Caterina Tani (January 8, 2019). “ECHA outlines activities to promote SVHC substitution.” Chemical Watch 


ECHA (November 5, 2018). “28th Meeting of Competent Authorities for REACH and CLP (CARACAL).” Doc. CA/106/2018 (pdf)