
ECHA publishes list of pending biocidal applications

List published to increase transparency and raise awareness among companies

On March 31, 2015 the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) published a list of all pending applications made in accordance with Article 95 of the Biocidal Product Regulation (BPR) (EU) 528/2012 for which ECHA has not yet taken a decision. ECHA decided to publish the list in an attempt to increase transparency ahead of the September 1, 2015 deadline for the compliance with Article 95 of the BPR. The list also includes biocidal products of product type 4 that are intended for use in aseptic packaging (disinfection of packaging for milk products), surface disinfection in food processing facilities and disinfection of distribution systems for drinking water. ECHA notes that the presence of a company for a given active substance/product type/role on the list of pending applications, however, does not automatically imply that the application will be successful.

Read more

ECHA (March 31, 2015). “ECHA publishes list of pending Article 95 applications.

ECHA (March 31, 2015). “List of pending applications.” (pdf)

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