On March 3, 2021, civil society organization Chem Forward announced the launch of a new collaborative on safer and circular materials in partnership with the Sustainable Packaging Coalition (SPC). The collaborative aims “to support companies in their circular economy commitments with material building blocks that are safe for humans and the environment across the product life cycle, and that contribute quality inputs back to raw material feedstocks.” The collaborative has set out to (i) establish priority functional areas and agree on criteria for safer alternatives for use in food packaging, (ii) identify, assess, and verify these alternatives, (iii) include them in a cloud-based registry, (iv) explore health challenges related to packaging materials through stakeholder discussions and engaging experts, and (v) collaborate to find best practices and develop a common agenda to accelerate needed systemic change.

“This partnership with the Sustainable Packaging Coalition with not only help support companies seeking the material building blocks that will make packaging safe for humans and the environment across the product life cycle, it will seek to identify and activate the supply chain drivers to create lasting systems change,” said Chem Forward’s director, Stacy Glass.