
California passes strongest EPR and recycling legislation in the US

Plastic pollution prevention and packaging producer responsibility act requires all packaging in California be recyclable or compostable by 2032; plastic packaging production be reduced by 25%, and 65% of packaging be recycled after use

On June 30, 2022, Governor Gavin Newsom of the US state of California signed Senate Bill 54 which starts the process for the state creating the largest extended producer responsibility (EPR) program and strictest plastic reduction targets in the country.  

Like Colorado’s recently passed EPR bill (FPF reported), California’s plastic pollution prevention and packaging producer responsibility act obligates single-use and disposable packaging producers “to form a Producer Responsibility Organization (PRO) to manage industry efforts to comply with the law’s requirements.” SB 54 requires that by 2032 all packaging in California be recyclable or compostable, plastic packaging production be reduced by 25%, and 65% of packaging be recycled after use. To work up to the 2032 targets, 30% of packaging needs to be recycled by January 1, 2028, and 40% by 2030. The PRO will need to develop a plan to achieve these targets which is then to be reviewed by California’s Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle).  

Similar EPR and circular economy bills were put forward in the state legislature in 2019, 2020, and 2021 without getting the necessary votes (FPF reported, also here). There was extra pressure this year due to a citizens initiative scheduled for the election in November 2022. The initiative would put a 1-cent tax on all single-use plastic items and would ban expanded polystyrene. The instigators of the plastics fee initiative said they would remove the initiative from the November election if SB 54 became law. Changes to the November ballot had to be made by the end of the day on June 30, 2022, and Governor Newsom received and signed the bill with enough time for the change.  

The Hill reported in June that “more than 75 percent of [Americans] said they believe that none or only a small portion of the plastic waste generated in the U.S. actually gets recycled ” according to a poll by the World Wildlife Fund. And “nearly a quarter of Americans surveyed… identified plastic waste pollution as an issue that Congress must address in the next two years.” 


Read more 

Megan Quinn (June 30, 2022). “California Gov. Newsom signs nation’s most comprehensive paper and plastic packaging EPR bill.” Waste Dive 

Steve Toloken (June 30, 2022). “California passes strictest plastics law in US, with EPR and recycling targets.” Sustainable Plastics 

Brian Taylor (July 1, 2022). “Updated: California SB 54 ups plastic pressure.” Recycling Today 

State of California (June 30, 2022). “SB-54 Solid waste: reporting, packaging, and plastic food service ware.” California Legislative Information 

Sharon Udasin (June 7, 2022). “More Americans want Congress to prioritize plastic waste problem: poll.” The Hill 

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