
Modern science to inform regulation of food contact materials in the circular economy

October 25, 2016 – October 25, 2016   Papiersaal, Kalanderplatz 1, Zurich


Oct 25, 2016    
08:00 - 16:30


Bookings closed


Kalanderplatz 1, Zurich, 8045

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The 2016 annual Food Packaging Forum (FPF) workshop took a closer look at “Modern science to inform regulation of food contact materials in the circular economy.” Our fourth workshop followed the unique concept of previous FPF workshops in its cross-thematic, cross-stakeholder approach. We brought together experts from different perspectives and backgrounds—from academic scientist to business decision maker, from regulator to retailer, from consumer advocate to food manufacturer. FPF workshops are one of a kind, because we create the optimal environment for a constructive and respectful dialogue that enables stakeholders with different expertise and different opinions to meet and learn from each other.

This year’s workshop was distinguished by two sessions: The morning session on “Modern science to inform regulation of food contact materials” was dedicated to providing an update on the most current scientific understanding of chemical risk assessment as it applies to food contact materials. In the afternoon session, the focus shifted to “Food contact materials in the circular economy:” How does chemical safety of food contact materials play out in the sustainable future? What aspects do regulators, businesses and consumers need to take into consideration for shifting our economy from a linear, “take, make and dispose” concept to being circular, healthy and sustainable? Where are opportunities for innovation, and where are the most pressing research needs?

On the evening before the workshop, FPF hosted a casual pre-workshop dinner which was an excellent opportunity for networking and meeting different experts in an informal setting.


Bookings are closed for this event.


Enforcing migration limits: Analytical chemistry challenges and future developments

Dr. Gregor McCombie

Official Food Control Authority, Zurich, Switzerland

Packaging and migration – Avoiding controversy

Joanna Griffiths

BRC Global Standards, UK

CLARITY-BPA: A model for integration of guideline and academic studies

Prof. Dr. R. Thomas Zoeller

University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA

Substitution of hazardous chemicals: Fundamental concepts, examples and challenges for FCMs

Prof. Dr. Thomas Backhaus

University of Gothenburg, Sweden

Food producer challenges to eliminate chemicals of concern in food packaging

Dr. Stephen Klump

Nestlé, USA

Chemical safety of food contact materials in the circular economy

Dr. Jane Muncke

Food Packaging Forum Foundation, Switzerland

Swedish regulatory toxicology perspective

Dr. Kettil Svensson

National Food Agency, Sweden

New Plastics Economy

Dr. Michiel De Smet

Ellen MacArthur Foundation, UK

Addressing chemicals of concern in food contact materials

Dr. Michael Warhurst

CHEM Trust, UK

What consumers want

Amy Ziff


Plastics packaging in a circular economy

Casper van den Dungen

Plastics Recyclers Europe, Switzerland

Food contact materials in a circular economy and a non toxic environment

Dr. Xenia Trier

European Environment Agency, Denmark

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