In an article from April 22, 2021, news provider Chemical Watch reported on a draft regulation released by Thailand’s Industrial Standards Institute (TISI) that limits the concentration of certain chemicals in paper food contact materials (FCMs). The new law would apply to non-colored paper and board containers for general and hot-fill foods. The substances are listed with set concentration limits in mg/kg and include heavy metals, phthalates, bisphenol A (BPA; CAS 80-05-7), and benzophenone (BP; CAS 119-61-9):

  • lead, 3mg/kg
  • cadmium, 0.5mg/kg
  • mercury, 0.3mg/kg
  • di-ethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP; CAS 117-81-7), 1.5mg/kg
  • dibutyl-phthalate (DBP; CAS 84-74-2), 0.3mg/kg
  • diisobutyl-phthalate (DIBP; CAS 84-69-5), 0.3mg/kg
  • DBP + DIBP, 0.3mg/kg
  • bisphenol A (BPA; CAS 80-05-7); 0.24mg/kg
  • benzophenone (BP; CAS 119-61-9), 0.6mg/kg

Following the consultation deadline, the agency will make amendments to the draft and submit the final bill to the National Legislative Assembly of Thailand for approval. The law is then set to enter into force 360 days after being published in Thailand’s Royal Gazette.

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Elaine Burridge (April 23, 2021). “Thailand consulting on regulation for paper food contact materials.” Chemical Watch