On December 16, 2019, the European Commission (EC) announced the launch of a public consultation on endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) within its ongoing fitness check of EU legislation (FPF reported). This consultation includes a survey that specifically targets the general public. A separate survey targeting stakeholder organizations was launched earlier this month (FPF reported).

The EC writes that it is running the consultation:

  • “To assess public concerns and needs with respect to endocrine disruptors in the EU.
  • To evaluate to which extent current EU legislation meets the concerns and needs of citizens.
  • To identify opportunities for improvement in the way endocrine disruptors are assessed, managed and potential risks communicated.”

The consultation will be open online until March 9, 2020, and comments can be submitted in multiple EU languages.

Read more

EU Science Hub (December 16, 2019). “Endocrine disruptors – Have your say on the EU legislation.”

EC (December 16, 2019). “Harmful chemicals – endocrine disruptors, review of EU rules.”