On January 22, 2015 the German Assoziation ökologischer Lebensmittelhersteller (AoeL) published an online tool on bioplastics that shall serve as a decision-making aid for food producers. It provides information on biobased polyethylene (PE), biobased polyethylene terephthalate (PET), cellulose-based plastics, polylactides and starch blends. The tool helps to answer questions regarding the ecological and social impacts, and safety, quality and technical issues of these five bioplastics. The evaluation of each category is based on a simple, user-friendly traffic light system and it is supported by detailed and transparent data. Further, the quality of the available data was always judged and also this result was made clearly visible for the user. Complete data sheets for the five bioplastics can be downloaded as pdf-files. Currently, the website is available in German only, but an English version is planned.

Read more:

AoeL (January 22, 2015): “Bio-Joghurt im Bio-Becher: AöL entwickelt Tool zur Verwendung von Bio-Kunststoffen in der Lebensmittelbranche.(in German)

AoeL Database