
Chinese draft standard for composite FCMs

Chinese National Reference Laboratory for Food Contact Materials issues draft standard for composite FCMs; consultation period open until July 16, 2017

In an article published on June 21, 2017, regulatory news provider Chemical Watch informed that China opened a consultation on a draft national standard for composite food contact materials (FCMs) and articles. The draft standard was issued by the Chinese National Reference Laboratory for FCMs (IQTC) and includes requirements for the following composites: Paper-plastic, plastic-plastic, paper-plastic-aluminum foil, plastic-aluminum foil, and other complex FCMs (e.g. adhesives). The standard does not cover products made of blended materials or coated metals, Chemical Watch noted. Comments on the draft standard can be provided until July 16, 2017. China adopted various new FCM standards in 2016, entering into force in April and October 2017 (FPF reported; see FPF webinar).

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Chemical Watch (June 21, 2017). “China consults on standard for composite FCMs.

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