On June 30, 2015 the Chemical Footprint Project (CFP) is hosting a webinar to learn about chemical footprinting with speakers from Staples, Inc. and Trillium Asset Management LLC. The webinar provides an introductory into the Chemical Footprint Project and its Assessment Tool. Broadcasting time of the webinar is from 12pm to 1pm EDT and 6pm to 7pm CEST, respectively – registration is now open. The webinar will be recorded and posted on CFP’s website.
CFP is a new initiative for measuring corporate progress to safer chemicals. It provides a metric for benchmarking companies as they select safer alternatives and reduce their use of chemicals of high concern. Learn more here.
Read more
CFP (2015). “Webinar: Chemical Footprinting with Staples & Trillium Asset Management.”
BizNGO (June 19, 2015). “$1.1 trillion in assets under management and purchasing power sign on to CFP!”
Konkel, L. (2015). “Chemical footprinting: identifying hidden liabilities in manufacturing consumer products.” Environmental Health Perspectives 123(5): A130-A133 (open access).