Brand & retailer Initiatives Database
About the database
In an effort to improve the chemical safety and resource efficiency of the food contact materials (FCMs) and articles (FCAs) they use, food brands and retailers from around the world have gone beyond legal requirements by launching hundreds of voluntary initiatives and commitments. However, this information is spread across many different websites and reports, and it can be difficult to find and keep track of.
To make this information more accessible, the Food Packaging Forum has set up this database that brings together key information about these efforts into a user-friendly and searchable format. It features organizations that have taken progressive steps towards improving the FCMs and FCAs they use. The database does not rank or review any of the included initiatives or commitments.
This is a living database that will be updated. Are there initiatives or commitments you think should be added to the database? Any corrections needed? Then please complete and submit this form.

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Frequently Asked Questions
What does the database provide?
The database provides an entry row for each initiative or commitment and includes key information across the columns about:
- the simplified name of the responsible company or organization;
- the year it was launched;
- the country or region where it is applicable;
- related keywords;
- the type of company or organization;
- whether or not it is related to chemical safety;
- whether it is a commitment or an initiative;
- a link to additional information either in a Food Packaging Forum (FPF) news article or an external source;
- a short summary describing it.
A commitment is defined here as being a set target for the company or organization to achieve in the future. Often this includes a time frame for achieving the target as well as potentially including milestones along the way.
This is different from an initiative, which is defined here as simply being an action already taken (or started) by the company or organization to improve its FCMs or FCAs. This includes initiatives that specifically work towards achieving a previously made commitment.
Please note that this database is for information purposes only and is based on publicly available information FPF has been made aware of. The search for information used to develop it has been largely limited to information publicly accessible in English. The database includes information about commitments that have been made, but it does not follow-up to see whether or not a company has since followed through with the commitment. Some non-governmental organizations have published reports looking into this (see the section below about additional resources).
Links to external websites in the database and in linked FPF news articles were functioning at the time of publication, however they may have since been updated or removed by the source. Please let us know if you come across any links that are no longer functioning.
How do I search the database?
The dashboard is interactive. Select an item by clicking, deselect by clicking it again. Hold ctrl to select more than one item at a time. Clicking on one or several of the bars in the bar plot also filters the other visuals. The selected bar(s) remain highlighted while the others dim.
The “Company Name” search bar accepts full names (e.g., Coca-Cola) or only portions. Searching “co” for example will return Coca-Cola, Co-op, Tesco, among others. The search is by default “OR” but can be switched to “AND” with a click. Press the Reset page button at the top of the filter panel to return the view to the original settings.
What are the criteria for inclusion in the database?
This database contains initiatives and commitments that:
- have been made by food brands (including food manufacturers), food retailers (including stores, restaurants, and caterers), or their representative associations;
- aim to improve the safety of the chemicals present in the FCMs or FCAs used OR aim to improve resource efficiency in the FCMs or FCAs used;
- have been actively communicated to the public and are described in publicly accessible websites or documents.
These commitments or initiatives can be either through a company’s own, independent efforts or by publicly signing on to wider programs such as those led by civil society organizations, industry associations, or voluntary government initiatives. The database is global, and organizations from all countries and regions can be included. Note that manufacturers of chemicals, materials, and food packaging articles do not fulfill the criteria and cannot be included.
How often is the database updated? Can I suggest corrections or new entries?
The database is updated periodically as the Food Packaging Forum is made aware of publicly available information about other initiatives and commitments. If you have information about publicly announced initiatives or commitments that fulfill the criteria to be included (see section above for the criteria), please let us know by completing and submitting this online form.
What do the acronyms in the database stand for?
A list of the acronyms included in the database is below:
BPA: bisphenol A
EDC: endocrine disrupting chemical
EPS: expanded polystyrene
MOSH/MOAH: mineral oil hydrocarbons (saturated/aromatic)
PET: polyethylene terephthalate
PFAS: per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances
PLA: polylactic acid
PVC: polyvinyl chloride
REACH: Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and restriction of CHemicals (EU regulation)
SVHC: Substance of Very High Concern
Where can I find more resources? Are there reviews or assessments of commitments that have been made?
There are other organizations that have published guides to support retailers, as well as reviews of initiatives launched and progress made on commitments by food retailers and food brands. Some of these are provided below for reference:
- Understanding Packaging (UP) Scorecard
- World Wildlife Fund (December 2022). “Transparent 2022: Annual ReSource: Plastic Progress Report.” (FPF News Article)
- Ellen MacArthur Foundation (November 2022). “Global Commitment 2022 Progress Report.” (FPF News Article)
- Colombia launches Plastics Pact while previous Pacts struggle with 2025 targets
- Clean Production Action (November 2020). “The Retailer’s Guide to Safer Chemicals and Materials.” (FPF News Article)
- New Plastics Economy (September 2020). “Global Commitment 2020 Progress Report.” (FPF News Article)
- Changing Markets Foundation (September 2020). “Talking Trash.” (FPF News Article)
- As You Sow (June 2020). “Waste and Opportunity 2020: Searching for Corporate Leadership.” (FPF News Article)
- Mind the Store (November 2019). “Report card on retailer actions to eliminate toxic chemicals.” (FPF News Article)