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Action and inaction on PFAS in the US federal government

Earthjustice files petition asking US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to revoke approval of 600 per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) allowed on the market under exemptions of the Toxic Substances Control Act; represents about half the number of PFAS on the market; EPA extends reach of guidelines for federal purchasing of PFAS-free products; Food and Drug Administration funding bill stripped of reform amendments including federal ban on PFAS in food packaging

US FDA updates to food contact inventory since April

US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) adds 18 new entries to its Inventory of Effective Food Contact Substance Notifications (FCNs) since April 2022

Update: FDA extends phthalate data collection period

US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) extends data submission period for its request for information about phthalates in food contact use; length of extension currently unknown

US FDA and EPA publish requests for information on PFAS

US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) asks for information on the use of fluorinated polyethylene for food contact and dietary exposure due to migration; US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) seeks responses to specific questions to help form PFAS strategic action plan; FDA comment period open until October 18, 2022, and EPA period until August 29, 2022

US FDA to review safety of BPA in food contact

US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) agrees to review the safety of bisphenol A (BPA) for use in food packaging; agency is responding to a petition filed by US civil society organizations after the European Food Safety Authority lowered official tolerable daily intake level of BPA by 100,000-fold

FDA denies citizen petition to ban phthalates in food contact materials

US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) rejects two citizen petitions from 2016 asking it to remove 28 phthalates from food contact use for safety reasons; grants industry petition to remove 23 phthalates due to abandonment; FDA issues request for information on use and safety information of remaining phthalates; comments accepted until July 19, 2022

US FDA adds 11 substances to food contact inventory

US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) adds 11 new entries to its Inventory of Effective Food Contact Substance Notifications (FCNs) since February 2022

Court rules FDA perchlorate exemption allowed

US federal court sides with Food and Drug Administration (FDA) over the use of perchlorate in food packaging; FDA’s 2017 denial of a citizen petition to regulate perchlorate in plastic food packaging “was neither arbitrary nor capricious… and did not violate the Food Act”

Global Food Contact Conference 2022: updates from the Americas

Smithers conference covers global developments in food contact regulations and materials; speakers on day one review recent and upcoming changes to food packaging regulations in the US, Canada, and the South American trade bloc Mercosur

US NGOs: FDA must reassess safety of BPA

US scientists, public health and environmental organizations submit formal petition to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requesting it to restrict or remove current bisphenol A approvals for use in food packaging; cite new scientific evidence showing safe exposure level 5,000-times below FDA’s current limit

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