Health risks of ‘BPA-free’ baby bottles

Scientists evaluate health risks of migrants from ‘BPA-free’ baby bottles made of PP, PA, PES, silicone, Tritan™, stainless steel; silicone bottle, several PP bottles of ‘high concern’; Tritan™ bottle, several more PP bottles of ‘concern’

EFSA: New guidance for priority topics

EFSA’s Scientific Committee identifies priority topics requiring new guidance such as interpretation of epidemiological studies, chemical mixtures, and nanotechnologies

Guidance for risk assessment of FCMs

EFSA’s proposal for new exposure estimates and next steps explained during 2nd International Conference on Food & Beverage Packaging in Rome

EFSA/WHO report on TTC approach

A report by EFSA and WHO on the use of TTC in chemical risk assessment announces TTC ‘fit for purpose as a screening tool’; article by Chemical Watch discusses some concerns still unresolved

Colloquium on TTC

Free colloquium co-organized by SOT and U.S. FDA addresses the Cramer classification scheme and threshold of toxicological concern; webinar available

Threshold of Toxicological Concern (TTC)

The TTC is a pragmatic tool for estimating toxic potential. Both TTC and the Threshold of Regulation (TOR) assign human exposure thresholds to substances with known chemical structure, but unknown toxicity. The dossier reviews the scientific and historical background of threshold concepts and their advantages and challenges.

Summary of latest EU events on FCMs

UK NGO CHEM Trust outlines EU Parliament investigation on FCM regulation, Food Packaging Forum workshop, Luxemburg FCM conference, EFSA public consultation on FCM opinion, fluorinated-free popcorn in Denmark

Harmonizing FCM regulation

Conclusions of Luxembourg conference on FCMs published; harmonization of FCM regulation at EU level desired, improvement of risk assessments and declarations of compliance needed

CHEM Trust and FPF respond to EFSA opinion

The Food Packaging Forum and CHEM Trust address non-intentionally added substances, substances of very high concern, and other issues in detailed responses to EFSA’s public consultation on the draft scientific opinion on risk assessment of chemicals in FCMs

Predicting toxic effects of chemicals

Computational method developed to predict toxic effects of everyday chemicals in human individuals and populations; crowd-sourced study integrates findings from many different laboratories to build more robust model