Key characteristics of carcinogens

Scientists propose ten key characteristics of carcinogens to be used as a basis for organizing and evaluating mechanistic data collected in support of hazard identification

Nanoparticles in FCMs: Benefits and limitations

Scientists discuss the use of nanoparticles in food packaging materials, focusing on gaps in knowledge on their migration, toxicity, influence on biopolymer degradability

Analyzing NIAS in paperboard FCMs

Scientists use effect directed analysis to detect and identify aryl hydrocarbon receptor-active substances potentially migrating from pizza box made of recycled paperboard

Toxicity assessment of sol-gel coatings

Scientists assess sol-gel coatings on polycarbonate plastics; migration found below the overall migration limit; no genotoxicity or estrogenicity in vitro

Food packaging chemicals in ToxCast

Scientists use ToxCast data to prioritize food-relevant chemicals for safety testing; identify obesity- and diabetes-related chemicals, and chemicals affecting growth and development; multiple food contact chemicals found to be active in ToxCast assays

PC-replacements: Genotoxicity of NIAS

Decision tree applied to investigate genotoxic potential of 48 migrates from ‘BPA-free’ baby bottles; more data needed for unequivocal classification