Carcinogenesis by low-dose chemical mixtures: way forward

Scientists summarize the knowledge on the combined contribution of low-dose chemical exposures to carcinogenesis, identify research gaps, recommend novel methodologies for research and risk assessment

Rethinking chemical safety testing

Nature commentary discusses three approaches towards safer chemicals and products: Standardized chemical safety tests, testing finished products, and publicly disclosing test results

Searching for safer plasticizers

Scientists evaluate a panel of novel plasticizers for in vitro effects on testicular function; propose alternatives to phthalates

BPA and BPS impair fertility

New study shows that BPA and substitute BPS disrupt reproduction of roundworms causing germline apoptosis and embryonic lethality


EU launches ToxRisk project aiming to develop more efficient and animal-free chemical safety assessment

Are ‘safe levels’ safe?

Article questions effectiveness of current chemical risk assessment in protecting public health; explains non-monotonic dose response and why it should be considered in assessing chemicals’ toxicity

Epigenetics in risk assessment

Current state of epigenetics science and potential integration of epigenetic effects into risk assessment discussed at EFSA colloquium

Guidance for risk assessment of FCMs

EFSA’s proposal for new exposure estimates and next steps explained during 2nd International Conference on Food & Beverage Packaging in Rome

Are BPA analogues safe?

Scientists review data on exposure to and toxicity of bisphenol A (BPA) analogues BPAF, BPB, BPF, and BPS; highlight similar actions and increasing environmental presence of alternatives; call for comprehensive comparative analysis

Key characteristics of carcinogens

Scientists propose ten key characteristics of carcinogens to be used as a basis for organizing and evaluating mechanistic data collected in support of hazard identification