‘PFAS-free’ guides for restaurants and groceries

US NGO Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families releases guides on eliminating per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) from food packaging used by fast-food restaurants and grocery chains

EDC implications for health, economy, and policy

New scientific reports summarize implications of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) for human health and implications for economics and policy; call for ‘urgent action to reduce exposure to EDCs’

ECHA survey identifies drivers and barriers of chemical substitution

European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) publishes report on motivations for companies to substitute hazardous chemicals; greatest drivers found to be regulatory restrictions under REACH, customer demand, internal sustainability strategies

FPF comments on EU chemicals strategy roadmap

Food Packaging Forum (FPF) submits feedback on European Commission’s roadmap to develop chemicals strategy for sustainability; calls for sufficient support to establish appropriate test methods, prioritize substitution of the known hazardous chemicals currently authorized for use in food contact materials

Scientific consensus statement on food contact chemicals and human health

Group of 33 international scientists publish peer-reviewed statement identifying seven specific areas for improvement, urge decision makers to reduce exposure to harmful chemicals present in food packaging and other contact food contact materials

UBA study investigates BPA alternatives

German Environment Agency (UBA) identifies 44 environmentally relevant potential substitutes for bisphenol A (BPA); tests 26 substances in receptor and screening assays, identifies only one substance with both sufficient data and not displaying endocrine-active effects

Washington state webinars on PFAS alternatives assessment

U.S. state of Washington informs about ongoing assessment of alternatives to per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in food packaging; webinars in January and February focus on current project activities, extended scope and hazard and exposure assessment

Food cans, printing inks identified as priority products

U.S. state of Washington identifies food cans as priority products under its safer products program for being a significant source of bisphenols, highlighted as major concern for human exposure and volume used; printing inks also included as source of polychlorinated biphenyls

Report surveys brands, retailers on plastic packaging shift

Green Alliance report surveys retailers and brands on shift away from plastic packaging, finds concerns surrounding potential impacts of alternative materials; calls made for increased transparency and standardization in assessing and communicating impacts, addressing throw-away society

Enhancing substitution of hazardous chemicals

Danish report investigates European efforts to substitute hazardous chemicals on the national level; provides recommendations for companies, organizations, and agencies to improve substitution efforts