Risk evaluation of RASFF notifications

EFSA proposes methodology for evaluating risks posed by food contaminants detected in RASFF, addresses toxicological properties and dietary exposure, develops Rapid Assessment of Contaminant Exposure (RACE) tool

Industry guideline for paper and board FCMs

Paper and board manufacturers update voluntary guideline for food contact compliance of paper and board materials; address design, production, risk management, supply chain communication

Faster action on EU EDC strategy needed

EU environment ministers urge Commission to speed up action on EU-wide endocrine disruptor strategy to tackle toys, cosmetics, food contact materials; clearly defined timelines requested; fitness check of relevant EU laws addressing EDCs to be launched next

Recycled plastics in food contact applications

Smithers Pira publishes white paper discussing use of recycled plastics in food contact applications

Too little regulatory follow-up in REACH

Report by NGO European Environmental Bureau finds over 70% of substances with completed REACH evaluations demonstrating concern for human health or the environment have not yet received any regulatory follow-up to manage risks

Call to invest in cancer prevention

Laura Vandenberg comments on the 2019 State of the Union address by President Trump, points out the need for research and prevention programs focused on the role of environmental exposures in cancer

OECD urges restricted substances list for plastics

OECD report suggests establishing global list of restricted substances for plastics manufacturing in order to ‘support quality and consistency in recycling’

EU statement on emerging health issues

EU Commission’s Committee on Health, Environmental and Emerging Risks publishes statement and position paper on emerging health and environmental issues

Book on EDC effects and costs

New book by Leonardo Trasande reviews human health effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals, provides recommendations for reducing exposures

Canada to update chemicals management

Canadian public health department opens public consultation to define ‘vulnerable populations,’ aims to improve chemicals management with future consultations on endocrine disruptors and mixture toxicity