PC-replacements: Genotoxicity of NIAS

Decision tree applied to investigate genotoxic potential of 48 migrates from ‘BPA-free’ baby bottles; more data needed for unequivocal classification

ToxCast assays need improving

New study shows the ability of ToxCast assays to predict obesogens is unreliable; senior researcher comments on features in need of improvement

EFSA: Scientific opinion on FCMs

EFSA’s CEF Panel publishes scientific opinion on safety assessment of FCMs, including technical report on the public consultation; recommends migration testing of finished FCMs and revisiting consumer exposure as well as requirements for toxicity data

EFSA: three video sessions of 2nd scientific conference published

Highlights of the sessions on epigenetics, weighing evidence, and environmental risk assessment summarized

Disagreement over BPA

No consensus between industry and NGOs regarding EU-wide measures to regulate and restrict BPA in FCMs

Most chemicals remain untested

Report by the Center for Effective Government reveals that less than 1% of chemicals on the U.S. market are tested for safety

Opportunities for plastic FCM manufacturers

Plastic food contact industry meets to discuss plastics recycling, NIAS, risk assessment and chemicals of concern in FCMs

ECHA: Evaluation of BPA restriction finalized

ECHA’s Committee for Socio-economic Assessment considers benefits of restricting BPA in thermal paper unlikely to be higher than costs; ultimate decision to be taken by European Commission

New database on harmful effects of chemicals

National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark, and Danish Environmental Protection Agency launch database containing over 600,000 chemical structures and (Q)SAR data on potential associated harmful effects

EFSA conference: Materials available online

EFSA publishes proceedings, briefing notes and video recordings of its 2nd scientific conference held on October 14-16, 2015 in Milan, Italy