Regulating persistent and mobile chemicals

German Environment Agency proposes criteria for persistent, mobile and toxic (PMT) chemicals in the water cycle

Call for more transparent chemical assessments

3 EU Member States request more transparency in industry studies as well as resources for ECHA and EFSA to undertake independent studies in case of inconsistencies

FSANZ: No risk from food packaging chemicals

Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) completes assessment of chemical migration from packaging into food, finds exposures ‘low and unlikely to pose a public health and safety concern,’ plans to develop information guide for businesses to support risk management

FPF Workshop 2017: Science is not value-free

Karim Bschir from ETH Zurich argues that ‘good science is not value-free’ because scientists routinely make value-based judgments; he proposes that scientists should make their values explicit

FPF Workshop 2017: Toxicological assessments and migration testing

Experts from academia, food industry and authorities present scientific and practical challenges in toxicological assessments and migration measurements

EU urged to authorize recycling for food contact

Industry association Plastics Recyclers Europe calls on EU Commission to officially authorize EFSA-evaluated processes for use of recycled plastics in food contact applications

WHO: Environmental risk factors and noncommunicable diseases

World Health Organization publishes new report highlighting contribution of environmental factors, including exposure to chemicals, to noncommunicable diseases burden

Predicting exposure to food contact chemicals

U.S. EPA scientists develop high-throughput computational models for predicting dietary exposure to chemicals from food packaging; exposure from food contact materials found to contribute significantly to overall exposures

Public consultations on new EFSA guidance

EFSA publishes outcome reports of public consultations on new guidance documents on biological relevance of data and weight of evidence approach in scientific assessments

Risk assessment of FCMs: Overview of key scientific challenges

New FPF scientific publication highlights scientific challenges in the risk assessment of food contact chemicals; existing regulations are ineffective at protecting public health from exposure to hazardous chemicals; recommendations on how key knowledge gaps can be overcome are discussed