ZWE examines aspects and challenges of sustainable packaging in three reports

Reports by Zero Waste Europe (ZWE) and partners examine decarbonization pathways of beverage containers, urge rethinking single-use glass and transition towards reuse, and investigates the economic viability of reusable food packaging

France to launch glass deposit system

French government has announced plans to establish glass deposit system; aims to phase out single-use plastics by 2040; incentivizes reusable glass with dedicated fund of 50 million Euro

Report highlights needs for reuse systems, consumer demand grows

Report by City to Sea presents requirements for implementing reuse systems in UK; says majority of consumers are receptive to using reusable packaging; Chartered Institution of Waste Management urges UK to take the lead in establishing reuse systems for a circular economy

FPF comments on US EPA draft plastics strategy

Food Packaging Forum (FPF) submits comment to US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on the draft national strategy to prevent plastic pollution; FPF highlights aspects of food packaging and chemical safety for EPA to consider; primarily (i) how the EPA may be able to support reuse, (ii) encouraging ratification of the Basel Convention; (iii) clarifying “compostable” and “inert”; strategy comment period extended to July 31, 2023

Netherlands add tax for plastic takeaway packaging

As of July 1, 2023, single-use plastic takeaway packaging requires additional price in the Netherlands; reusable alternative must be offered; usage of single-use plastic for dine-in guests banned as of January 1, 2024

Coalition signs open letter to EU advocating for reuse systems to reduce packaging waste

Civil society organizations and reuse businesses concerned about lobbying for packaging and packaging waste regulation (PPWR); urge for well-designed reuse systems in PPWR; emphasize the scientific evidence in accompanying fact sheet; Euroconsumers presents checklist with five criteria to consider for a robust PPWR

Report: how to transition from single use to reuse systems

Global Plastics Policy Centre assesses approaches to adopt reuse systems to combat plastic pollution; review contains 320 articles and papers and 55 expert interviews; defines four-phase roadmap for transition

Review finds hundreds of chemicals migrating from recycled and reusable plastic FCMs

Scientists detect 509 food contact chemicals in plastic food contact materials (FCMs) made for reuse; 853 chemicals identified in recycled PET; study points out key knowledge gaps in available hazard data for frequently detected chemicals

Investors urge major companies to reduce single-use plastic packaging

Investors with over $10 trillion in assets call for urgent action to reduce single-use plastic packaging in the fast-moving consumer goods and grocery retail sectors; cite environmental, climate, and public health threats posed by the entire plastics lifecycle; express concern over the financial risks to companies and investors

Reusable packaging targets removed from draft PPWR

Negotiation of the EU packaging and packaging waste regulation (PPWR) is underway; negotiator removing reusable packaging targets for takeaway food and drink sales; concerns over measuring reuse versus refill; others highlight benefits of reusables beyond greenhouse gas emissions; negotiators can propose amendments until May 10, 2023; committee votes in September, Plenary in October