Commentary on microplastics as a vector for chemical transport

Scientists respond to perspective article providing clarifications on plastic-driven long-range environmental transport (LRET) of chemical additives; discuss nine shortcomings of the perspective; suggest omitting the perspective article in discussions on plastic debris-associated LRET of additives

US NGOs: FDA must reassess safety of BPA

US scientists, public health and environmental organizations submit formal petition to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requesting it to restrict or remove current bisphenol A approvals for use in food packaging; cite new scientific evidence showing safe exposure level 5,000-times below FDA’s current limit

Public consultation on bio-based, biodegradable, and compostable plastics

European Commission (EC) opens a public comment period on biobased, biodegradable, and compostable plastics; consultation will advise EC during development of new policies for these plastics; three areas of particular focus: sustainability of feedstocks, verification of biodegradation claims, and “widespread confusion” among consumers on terms and proper disposal routes; comment period open until March 15, 2022

Public consultation on REACH review

European Commission (EC) opens a public consultation period concerning the revision of REACH regulation; REACH is responsible for outlining chemical assessment procedures in the EU; possible updates include assessing chemical mixtures, simplifying safety data sheets, and incorporating essential-use concept; consultation period open until April 15, 2022

Mercosur updates plastic food packaging regulation

South American trade bloc to no longer allow bisphenol A (BPA) in plastic food contact articles designed for children under 3 years old, lowers migration limit from other plastic FCAs; sets migration limits for 9 metals from plastic FCAs; adds substances to positive list for plastics and for cellulosic materials

Draft EU regulation streamlines certification of plastic FCM recycling processes

European Commission (EC) proposes regulation simplifying the process for the development, certification, and use of recycled plastic food contact materials (FCMs) in the EU; would replace earlier regulation (EC) No 282/2008; open for public comment until January 10, 2022

ECHA regulation updates limits of DEHP in FCMs

European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) adopts regulation recognizing bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate’s (DEHP) endocrine disrupting properties; substance now also requires authorization for use in food contact materials (FCMs) when levels exceed 0.1% by weight

European Bioplastics conference discusses bioplastics’ role within Green Deal

16th annual European Bioplastics conference focuses on role of bioplastics in EU policies, new opportunities of compostable plastics and their performance in the open environment, measuring and communicating sustainability of bio-based plastics, bioplastics market development, and applications

South Korea issues updated FCM regulations

Ministry of Food and Drug Safety publishes notice containing revisions to national food contact material regulations; adds polyketones as additional raw materials, groups synthetic resins into categories, issues updated standards on recycled synthetic resins including for polyethylene terephthalate (PET)

US lawmakers introduce new bill to ban PFAS in food packaging

Keep Food Containers Safe from PFAS act would disallow the sale of any food packaging intentionally containing per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) beginning on January 1, 2024; this most recent attempt by US lawmakers to address PFAS on a national level would now need to be approved by both the US House and Senate chambers