Webinar on updated TSCA inventory

U.S. EPA updates Toxic Substances Control Act inventory, flags over 45 thousand chemicals set to be labeled as not anymore in commerce; webinar on March 15 to explain notification process for manufactures and importers

12 additional substances for authorization

EU Commission announces the planned addition of 12 substances to the REACH Authorization List, set to be added in October 2019

Antimony trioxide inhalation limit

U.S. scientific organization recommends lowering inhalation limit to 0.02 mg/m3; industry group warns of cost increases and intransparency in calculations

JRC report on nanomaterial definitions

EU Commission Joint Research Centre report describes concepts and terms for nanomaterial legislation in EU, aims to support harmonized implementation across regulatory contexts

France to amend rubber FCM rules

France notifies EU Commission of intent to amend rules on rubber in contact with food and pacifiers for infants

Provisional agreement on EU food law

European Council and Parliament reach provisional agreement on revisions to EU General Food Law; aim to improve transparency and independence of risk assessments

Public consultation on EU FCM regulation

Consultation launched within ongoing evaluation of food contact material regulation in EU; online questionnaire open until May 6, 2019

France updates action plan on EDCs

National draft action plan on EDCs open for consultation; Health and Environmental Alliance submits comments, welcomes initiative

Analysis of packaging policies in U.S. states

Analysis shows 8 more U.S. states consider elimination or reduction of PFASs in food packaging; widespread focus on policies requesting disclosure of chemical composition

4-tert-butylphenol as SVHC

EU Commission plans to identify food contact substance 4-tert-butylphenol (PTBP) as substance of very high concern (SVHC) for endocrine disruption in the environment; intention notified to World Trade Organization