ECHA adopts substance evaluation plan

Member states adopt community rolling action plan (CoRAP) and plan to evaluate 29 substances in 2019, some of which used in food contact materials

Nano risk governance model project

Horizon 2020 funded project launched focusing on developing a nano risk governance model, aims to explore upcoming tools and approaches as well as support prioritization and harmonization of practices among stakeholders

UNEP launches GCO II synthesis report

Synthesis report of the Global Chemicals Outlook released during 4th United Nations Environment Assembly in Nairobi; full report to be released in April 2019

Faster action on EU EDC strategy needed

EU environment ministers urge Commission to speed up action on EU-wide endocrine disruptor strategy to tackle toys, cosmetics, food contact materials; clearly defined timelines requested; fitness check of relevant EU laws addressing EDCs to be launched next

NGO maps PFAS contamination

The Environmental Working Group publishes report mapping PFAS contamination across U.S. sites, calls for banning PFAS in firefighting foams and consumer products including food packaging

NGOs urge more protective EDC strategy in EU

EDC-free Europe coalition of NGOs urges definitive actions to reduce exposure to endocrine disruptors ahead of upcoming debate by Council of EU Environmental Ministers

BEUC election manifesto

European Consumer Organization (BEUC) releases EU Parliament elections manifesto, highlights elimination of consumer exposure to harmful chemicals as one of the key priorities for the new legislative period

Japan publishes draft evaluation procedures

Proposed evaluation procedures of food contact substances in Japan opened for public comment; efforts continue towards creation of positive list of substances, set to come into force in June 2020

REACH data compliance needs improvement

European Chemicals Agency publishes annual REACH evaluation report; results show many chemical registrations continue to be missing key data

Nanomaterials definition revision postponed

EU Commission confirms further delay of revising the definition of nanomaterials; completion expected after new Commission takes office, not before 2020