China calls for data on 24 substances

Chinese ministry requests data on physical-chemical properties, toxicity, production & use, environmental exposure for set of chemicals; 17 are used in food contact materials; feedback open until August 31, 2019

EU reviews metal limits in ceramic and glass FCMs

European Commission initiative to consider lowering migration limits for lead, cadmium, other heavy metals in ceramic, glass, and enamel food contact materials; feedback on roadmap open until June 26, 2019, full public consultation to follow

Overview of Latin American FCM regulations

Law firm Keller and Heckman LLP summarizes existing regulations governing food contact materials for many countries in South America

EU chemicals policy 2030 conference

European Commission to host high level conference June 27-28, 2019 to present results from chemicals legislation reviews, invite stakeholders to discuss developments and next steps within the EU

Global Food Contact conference updates

Smithers Pira conference covers global developments in food contact regulations and materials; focus on NIAS testing, non-harmonized EU materials, regulatory changes in Asia

U.S. bill to ban PFAS from food packaging

Representative Debbie Dingell from the U.S. state of Michigan introduces bill in U.S. congress to ban all per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances from food containers and cookware

EU Council adopts single-use plastic bans

European Council formally adopts new rules on single-use plastics and recycling targets; directive completes final step before becoming law; England to ban plastic straws, stirrers, and cotton buds from April 2020

REACH investigation flags non-compliant companies

German NGO BUND uses freedom of information request to identify substances and companies implicated in incomplete REACH dossiers, calls on ECHA to increase transparency of substance registrations

Responses to EU FCM consultation

Stakeholders urge equal treatment of SVHCs in REACH and FCM legislation, call for more harmonized FCM measures

FPF position paper on EU FCM regulation

Food Packaging Forum submits comments for the European food contact regulatory review; suggests clarification of assumptions and publication of updated guidance for safety assessments for all food contact materials