French order on food contact rubber

France publishes new Order on food contact rubber and pacifiers for infants and toddlers; updates lists of authorized substances, their specifications, restrictions; law enters into force on July 1, 2021

Bamboo in plastic FCMs not authorized in the EU

European Commission’s Working Group concludes that bamboo-based additives are not authorized per se for use in plastic food contact materials in the EU; business operators to explicitly demonstrate safety by migration testing; migration of melamine, formaldehyde of high concern; additional concerns about misleading labeling and advertising

How to regulate polymers?

Chemical Watch commentary addresses the nature of polymerization reactions, provides technical background information explaining the challenges in the registration of polymers under REACH

China calls for comments on food contact substances

China’s National Center for Food Safety Risk Assessment solicits comments on new food contact substances and resins, expanded uses

EU notifies C9-C14 PFCA restriction to WTO

European Union notifies World Trade Organization of proposed amendment to REACH Restriction List (Annex XVII) to restrict manufacturing, use, placing on the market and import of C9-C14 perfluorocarboxylic acids (PFCAs), their salts and related substances within the EU; long-chain PFCAs can be present in food contact materials as impurities but also degradation products of long-chain fluorotelomers

Australia publishes guidance on chemicals in food contact articles

Defines registration process for chemicals in food contact articles under new national regulatory scheme; requires additional testing of specific target organ toxicity and record-keeping of migration levels

Uruguay and Paraguay consult on positive list of FCM additives

Governments publish positive lists of additives allowed in food contact materials (FCM); adoption would bring national regulations in line with Mercosur Resolution GMC 39/19

EU could apply tax on non-recycled plastic packaging waste

European Council agrees €0.80 tax per kilogram on non-recycled plastic packaging waste starting January 1, 2021; exact law still needs to be developed and then approved by European Parliament and Council of the EU

Combined evidence supports low-dose effects of BPA

Scientists integrate and interpret data from 8 of the 14 academic studies completed under the CLARITY-BPA project; link bisphenol A (BPA) exposure to impacts across multiple organs including brain, heart, prostate, mammary gland, ovaries; strengthen confidence in low-dose effects of BPA; co-authors to present results in webinar on July 21, 2020

Toxics in packaging legislation to restrict PFAS, ortho-phthalates

Toxics in Packaging Clearinghouse (TPCH) proposes to update its model legislation already adopted in 19 US states; set to ban presence of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in packaging above detection limit, limit presence of ortho-phthalates to 100 ppm; comments accepted until August 24, 2020