EU glass recycling rate climbs to 74%

European Container Glass Federation releases latest glass packaging recycling data; EU glass recycling rate reaches new high of 74%

Plastic bottle recycling in the U.S. decreases slightly

Report by the Association of Plastic Recyclers and the American Chemistry Council shows that PET and HDPE bottle recycling in the U.S. dropped slightly in 2015, while PP bottle recycling increased by nearly 20%

Circular economy – more than recycling?

International Packaging Institute hosts meeting on the circular economy; recycling rates, waste collection, eco-balances, food waste discussed

Protection of food versus ecology of packaging

Experts discuss controversial functions and impacts of packaging materials at a meeting of the Swiss Packaging Institute

1.8 mio t of PET bottles recycled in 2015

Report commissioned by Petcore Europe reveals that 59% of all PET bottles placed on the European market were collected for recycling in 2015; report to be discussed at Petcore Europe 2017 conference

FPF Workshop 2016: Circular economy challenges for FCMs

Podium discussion at Food Packaging Forum 2016 workshop highlights recycling, reuse and waste collection opportunities and challenges for food packaging in the circular economy

Walmart: Sustainable packaging playbook

U.S. retailer Walmart publishes Sustainable Packaging Playbook for its suppliers; highlights the need to innovate and to optimize design, source sustainably, and support recycling

PP and HDPE recycling by Pokas Arcadian Recycle

EFSA evaluates ‘Pokas Arcadian Recycle Ltd’ process for recycling of PP and HDPE for food contact applications; concludes that the process is insufficiently characterized regarding its ability to remove potential contaminants

Packaging: Food waste vs. plastic waste

C&EN presents the debate on the costs of food packaging made of flexible plastics and multilayered structures: Less food waste and economic benefits vs. more difficult recycling and negative environmental impacts

Industry discusses circular economy in ‘real life’

Glass, metal, steel, and paper industry meets at the European Parliament to discuss industrial symbiosis and materials recycling within the circular economy