EFSA working group on recycling plastics: 16th meeting

Updated meeting minutes of EFSA’s CEF Panel working group on recycling plastics now available online

Target presents new sustainable packaging goals

U.S. retailer Target announces new sustainability goals for its own-brand packaging, pledges efforts to improve recycling and increase demand for recycled packaging

Toxic chemicals in articles made from recycled plastics

Article in The Guardian discusses contamination of children’s toys made from recycled materials with hazardous flame retardants; environmental organizations call for government action

Impact of labels, inks and glues on PET recycling

Industry study shows negative effects of incompatible label materials, glues, and inks on the recyclability of PET drinking bottles; impacts on color and clarity of recycled PET

Foodwatch: German draft mineral oil ordinance not protective enough

Foodwatch criticizes new draft of German mineral oil ordinance; requests lower SML for MOAH, mandatory functional barriers for all paper and board food packaging, strict limit levels for MOSH and MOAH in food

Forums on sustainability of plastics

Plasticity Forums to discuss sustainable end-of-life solutions for plastics on April 21 and May 9, 2017 in Texas and California, respectively; registration available online

Separating cartons in recycling stream

Robotic system developed in U.S. pilot program separates food and beverage cartons from mixed recycling stream through artificial intelligence; promises to increase and improve carton recycling

Circular economy without hazardous chemicals

Opinion article discusses importance of ingredient transparency for safe consumer products in the circular economy; calls on European Commission to provide effective legal requirements

New draft of German mineral oil ordinance

German authorities publish draft ordinance restricting the migration of mineral oil aromatic hydrocarbons; no limit for mineral oil saturated hydrocarbons included

Unpackaged foods trending in the U.S.

Article highlights increasing popularity of bulk, unpackaged foods in the U.S. and outlines benefits for both retailers and consumers: High margins, less food and packaging waste, price savings, familiarizing with new foods