Restrictions on plastic waste trade?

Proposed amendment to Basel Convention seeks to limit export of plastic waste to developing countries, help reduce plastic pollution crisis

New market research on single-use plastics

Financial institution Citi publishes report on risks and opportunities in single-use plastics, discusses alternative materials metal, glass, paper

Opinion: Plastic packaging should be simplified

Cradle to Cradle scientist Michael Braungart calls for fewer and simplified polymers to create material cycles rather than waste

Plastic pollution through the food chain

HuffPost video summarizes extent of plastic pollution, effects on wildlife and humans, proposed measures against single-use plastics

Packaging industry questions EU single-use plastics directive

European Organization for Packaging and the Environment and other packaging associations comment on proposed EU directive on single-use plastics, express concern over directive’s quality and impact on internal market

Microplastics are ‘everywhere’

U.S. radio station WBUR summarizes challenges and issues related to microplastics pollution

UK recycling and waste management conference

Exhibition and conference on recycling and waste management to take place on September 12-13, 2018, in Birmingham, UK; focus on plastic waste problems

Soil microbes eat biodegradable plastic

Swiss and Austrian researchers show that soil microorganisms fully metabolize biodegradable polymer polybutylene adipate terephthalate; European Bioplastics deems doubts about biodegradable plastics clarified

Opinion: Unlearn how to waste plastics

Article by Environmental Health News discusses increasing challenge of plastic waste driven by economic pressure and growth; recycling and bioplastics deemed ‘simple solutions’ incapable of meeting problem’s scale

France to tax non-recycled plastic packaging

French government plans to make products packaged in non-recycled plastic more expensive than those using recycled packaging