New book discusses chemical pollution, reproductive health

Reproductive epidemiologist Shanna Swan publishes book discussing link between declining sperm count and chemical pollution; describes observed changes in sexual development, effect on long-term health; offers advice on how to protect oneself and unborn life from chemical exposure; upcoming webinar scheduled for February 23, 2021

Webinar series on human health impacts of chemical exposures

Collaboration on Health and the Environment (CHE) and University of California launch seven-part webinar series on cumulative impacts of toxic chemicals; aims to educate researchers, health professionals, policy makers, advocates and patients; addresses topics such as infertility, prenatal exposure

US identified as leading source of plastic pollution

Peer-reviewed study estimates total amounts of mis-managed plastic waste, includes domestic illegal dumping and waste exports to foreign recyclers; finds US produces greatest amount of plastic waste per capita, potentially third largest source worldwide of ocean plastics; recommends reduction of plastic production, product re-designs

Calls for a UN global treaty on plastic pollution

Ellen MacArthur Foundation, World Wildlife Fund, and Boston Consulting Group advocate United Nations (UN) members to establish global treaty; publish report detailing business case, launch call for industry partners to join effort

5th Progress Report by Global Plastics Alliance

Global Plastics Alliance reports ‘steady’ increase in marine litter prevention projects; Pew Charitable Trusts estimates that current commitments would enable only 7% reduction in annual plastic flows into the ocean

Pew Charitable Trust report evaluates plastic pollution scenarios

Analysis calculates current commitments will only reduce plastic pollution flows into oceans by 7%; implementing all feasible solutions now could cut pollution by up to 78%; authors call for urgent and coordinated action by all stakeholders, redirecting all current and future investments away from virgin plastic infrastructure

UNEP and EU updates on marine plastic pollution

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) completes survey of South-East Asian consumers and businesses, finds ‘significant disconnect’ between expectations and actions taken to address plastic waste; European Commission (EC) and European Environment Agency (EEA) publish status reports on marine protection efforts in the EU, show mixed results with increase in plastics contamination

Klosters Forum podcast features FPF director

Latest episode of the Feed and Flourish podcast developed by The Klosters Forum discusses food packaging and the global food system with Jane Muncke from the Food Packaging Forum; examines interconnectedness of global issues, steps consumers can take

Overview of The Packaging Conference 2020

2020 edition of packaging industry event centers almost exclusively around issues of plastic pollution and recycling; next year’s conference to take place on February 8-10, 2021

Single-use plastics directive coming into force

EU’s single-use plastics directive now published in the Official Journal of the EU