Definition of nanoplastics

Scientists propose defining nanoplastics as unintentionally produced particles sized between 1 to 1000 nm and exhibiting colloidal behavior, discuss future research needs

UK supermarket removes plastic packaging

UK retailer Iceland to replace plastic packaging of own-brand products with paper and pulp by 2023; supports initiatives for plastic bottle deposit return scheme

EU plastics strategy published

European Commission adopts EU-wide strategy for plastics in the circular economy, aims to make all plastic packaging recyclable, reduce single-use plastics, ban intentional microplastics

WRAP and Ellen MacArthur to tackle plastics in UK

Ellen MacArthur Foundation and UK’s Waste and Resources Action Program announce initiative to tackle plastics in the UK; focus on plastic packaging; aim to eliminate single-use plastics, boost recycling, mobilize citizens

UK announces actions to reduce plastic waste

UK’s prime minister calls for plastic bag charge in all UK shops, plastic-free supermarket aisles, tax on single-use plastic items, funding for plastics innovation and aid for developing nations

Public consultation on marine litter and single-use plastics

EU Commission seeks feedback regarding actions on single-use plastics to reduce marine litter; consultation open until February 12, 2018

UK environment committee calls for bottle deposit system

Environmental Audit Committee of UK parliament demands nation-wide plastic bottle deposit return scheme, more access to free drinking water, increased packaging producer responsibility, and 50% recycled content in plastic bottles

UK may tax single-use plastics

UK government considers taxing disposable plastic items such as coffee cups and takeaway food containers to reduce plastic waste and pollution; call for evidence to be launched in 2018

Conference: Sustainability in packaging

Smithers Pira held “Sustainability in Packaging Europe” event on October 24-26, 2017 in Barcelona; speakers addressed plastic and packaging waste, packaging design, food waste, packaging machinery, and food brands’ activities

Plastics additives and recycling

Scientists review chemical additives in plastics, addressing migration and environmental impact during their use, disposal, and recycling; emission of toxics and contamination of recycled products should be avoided to ensure health and environmental protection