Socio-economic analysis of persistent pollutants

DG GROWTH publishes report on persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic (PBT) and very persistent, very bioaccumulative (vPvB) substances, detailing ‘stock pollution’ approach to socio-economic analysis of such substances subject to REACH authorization and restriction in the EU

UN: Is plastic pollution poisoning us?

Head of UN Environment discusses chemical migration from plastic food packaging, microplastic pollution, calls on people to ‘break up with single-use plastic’

UN: ‘Beat plastic pollution’

New report by UN Environment reviews global state of plastic pollution and counteracting measures, provides policy recommendations to reduce single-use plastics and improve waste management

Label for ‘plastic-free’ food packaging

Campaign group introduces product label for ‘plastic-free’ food and drink packaging; retailers Iceland and Ekoplaza, tea brand teapigs to adopt label

Proposal for EU directive on single-use plastics published

EU Commission releases proposal for EU directive on reducing marine litter; reduced consumption, market restrictions, redesign suggested for certain single-use plastic items; public consultation open until July 24, 2018

UK retailer to phase out non-recyclable plastics by 2019

UK supermarket chain Tesco aims to ban non-recyclable plastic packaging by 2019, move towards closed loop system

New initiative: Planet or plastic?

National Geographic launces initiative ‘Planet or Plastic?’ focusing on environmental impact of single-use plastics, releases dedicated June issue

First reactions to draft EU measure on single-use plastics

Industry and NGOs express mixed opinions on EU Commission’s draft proposal to reduce single-use plastics

ACC: All plastic packaging recycled or recovered by 2040

Plastics industry members of American Chemistry Council commit to ensuring that ‘100% of plastics packaging is re-used, recycled or recovered by 2040’

Draft EU directive on single-use plastics leaked

EU Commission’s draft proposal to reduce plastic pollution plans banning certain single-use plastic items, making producers pay for clean-up and recycling, requiring EU Member States to collect plastic bottles