UK announces actions to reduce plastic waste

UK’s prime minister calls for plastic bag charge in all UK shops, plastic-free supermarket aisles, tax on single-use plastic items, funding for plastics innovation and aid for developing nations

A single polymer for food packaging?

UK retailer Marks and Spencer considers using only one polymer group for plastic food packaging to improve recyclability; PET and PEF possible options

Public consultation on marine litter and single-use plastics

EU Commission seeks feedback regarding actions on single-use plastics to reduce marine litter; consultation open until February 12, 2018

UK environment committee calls for bottle deposit system

Environmental Audit Committee of UK parliament demands nation-wide plastic bottle deposit return scheme, more access to free drinking water, increased packaging producer responsibility, and 50% recycled content in plastic bottles

EFSA working group on recycling plastics: 20th meeting

Updated meeting minutes of EFSA’s CEF Panel working group on recycling plastics now available online

PET collection and recycling growing in Europe

Nearly 60% of PET bottles on European market collected for recycling in 2016, according to Petcore Europe report; detailed survey results to be discussed at 2018 Petcore Europe conference

Discussing FCM regulation in the EU

Speakers at 2017 Smithers Pira “Plastics & Paper” conference summarize recent developments in EU FCM regulation landscape, discuss EU Commission’s proposal for printed FCMs

EU plastics industry commits to circular economy

European plastic industry associations support re-use and recycling goals of EU Commission’s Circular Economy Package, call for separate collection of packaging waste

UK may tax single-use plastics

UK government considers taxing disposable plastic items such as coffee cups and takeaway food containers to reduce plastic waste and pollution; call for evidence to be launched in 2018

Conference: Sustainability in packaging

Smithers Pira held “Sustainability in Packaging Europe” event on October 24-26, 2017 in Barcelona; speakers addressed plastic and packaging waste, packaging design, food waste, packaging machinery, and food brands’ activities