UK retailer to phase out non-recyclable plastics by 2019

UK supermarket chain Tesco aims to ban non-recyclable plastic packaging by 2019, move towards closed loop system

Plastic use and exposure to estrogenic chemicals

U.S. pilot study asks participants to reduce plastic use related to food purchase, preparation, storage; blood samples indicate decrease in total estrogenic activity after changing plastic use behavior

What chemicals are in plastic packaging?

Research project on hazardous chemicals in plastic packaging identifies substances most hazardous for human health and environment; many knowledge gaps remain; first results presented at SETAC Europe

New initiative: Planet or plastic?

National Geographic launces initiative ‘Planet or Plastic?’ focusing on environmental impact of single-use plastics, releases dedicated June issue

Food packaging in the circular economy

New FPF scientific publication summarizes safety aspects of commonly used food packaging types after recycling, shows typical chemical contaminants, discusses further measures for safe food packaging in the circular economy

First reactions to draft EU measure on single-use plastics

Industry and NGOs express mixed opinions on EU Commission’s draft proposal to reduce single-use plastics

EU bottled water industry commits to more recycling

European Federation of Bottled Waters aims to increase collection of PET bottles from 60% to 90% and use 25% recycled PET in water bottles by 2025 as EU average

EFSA working group on phthalates: 3rd meeting

EFSA’s CEF Panel working group on phthalates reassesses safety of DBP, BBP and DEHP for food contact plastics; updated meeting minutes now available online

Recyclable coffee to go cups

UK company develops coffee to go cup made from recycled paperboard and one-piece plastic inner liner, claims cups are recyclable in ‘standard recycling facilities’

New fact sheet on plastic packaging and food waste

American Chemistry Council highlights benefits of plastic packaging, including single-use applications, in keeping food fresh for longer and preventing food waste