EU Parliament debates single-use plastics

EU Parliament debates directive on reducing marine litter from plastics, including restrictions for specific single-use plastic products; final vote scheduled for October 24, 2018

Microplastics in food-grade salts

New study finds microplastics in 90% of tested salt brands worldwide; microplastic contamination of sea salts correlates with plastic pollution in surrounding seawater

CEP Panel: 2nd plenary meeting

EFSA’s CEP Panel held 2nd plenary meeting on September 26-27, 2018; new food contact substances, PET recycling processes, evaluation of FCM legislation, updated risk assessment for phthalates discussed

Toxic chemicals in recycled plastics products

New study by environmental health organizations finds brominated flame retardants in children’s food contact articles and other products made of recycled plastics; call against recycling of hazardous waste

Clean Oceans Initiative

European Investment Bank and two other financial institutions launch Clean Oceans Initiative offering long-term financial support to projects aimed at waste recycling and waste prevention

Opinion: Loopholes in proposed EU laws for single-use plastics

Rethink Plastic alliance of NGOs warns that definition of single-use items is ‘too narrow,’ allowing to avoid bans or reduction measures by marketing them as reusable; NGOs deliver petition to EU Parliament ahead of vote on single-use plastics regulation on October 22, 2018

ENVI adopts EU bans on single-use plastics

EU Parliament’s Environment and Public Health Committee adopts draft EU directive on polluting single-use plastics and marine litter; European Parliament (EP) publishes key facts about plastic in the oceans, informs about the impact of litter and actions for reduction

Brand audits identify top polluters

Report by Greenpeace and Break Free From Plastic names 10 global companies whose products appear to be the biggest contributors to plastic pollution worldwide based on findings from beach cleanups and brand audits

Opinion: Plastic recycling a ‘false promise’

Engineer estimates U.S. plastic recycling rate below 5% in 2018, calls for ‘real solutions’ to plastic pollution such as reduced production of single-use plastics, implementation of deposit schemes

Draft regulation for plastic FCMs in Latin America

Argentina notifies World Trade Organization of proposed revisions to Mercosur regulation on plastics and polymeric coatings for food contact; comments accepted until November 4, 2018